motives seen as shapes, patterns, form, surfaces, as they are isolated from context
B0003122 Wavy Noise
B0003277 Big Circle Dots Speckels
B0003299 Waves Holes Stripes Triangles
B0003524 Entangeled Touching Sculpture
B0003525 Blobby Directional Swirly Sculpture
B0003533 Repeat and Overlap
B0004330 OSB Board Shards of Glass and Blinds
B0004344 OSB Board and Shards of Glass
B0004622 Bluish Greenish maybe Brownish
B0005994 Five Skewed Fields Lots of Stripes
B0006754 Rectanglular Fields and a Twist
B0006996 Red White and a Dark Thing
B0007109 Vertical Stripes Wavy Grid
B0008106 Fading Stripes Object and Shadow
B0008197 Verticals Diagonals and Others Fading
B0009956 Four Stages Together Lined Up
B0010181 Vertical Grey Red Oblique Metalic
B0011810 A Base Lined Up Scatter and a Void
B0012081 The Bend among Lined Up Scatter
B0012928 Scattered Things over Stripes
B0016519 Window Grid
B0018170 Wall of Mountain Blue and Red
B0018451 Blue and Onwards
B0018458 Trees on Blue Slope